

Advice for Parents of Incoming College Students: What You and Your Child Need to Know About Sexual Assault and Harassment

August is upon us and millions of college students across the country will be beginning their fall terms, including many first-year students who have just become adults and have spent little time away from their families or communities. If you are a parent of an incoming student, you may be helping…


What is the impact of the narrowed definition of “sexual harassment” under the new Title IX regulations?

One of several controversial revisions to the new Title IX regulations issued by the Department of Education (DOE) is the change to the definition of “sexual harassment.” The regulations significantly narrow the scope of Title IX’s definition of sexual harassment, making it less expansive than the workplace standard for sexual…


First Circuit Decision in Haidak v. University of Massachusetts Includes Limited Progress for Due Process at Public Universities

On August 6, 2019, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the First Circuit released a decision that strengthens the due process requirements applicable to discipline at state universities, but does not go as far as other courts such as the Sixth Circuit, which has forcefully affirmed a due process right to cross-examination on issues of credibility. In Haidak v. University of…


Advice for Parents of Incoming College Students: What You and Your Child Need to Know About Sexual Assault and Harassment

Labor Day Weekend is upon us and millions of college students across the country will be beginning their fall terms, including many first-year students who have just become adults and have spent little time away from their families or communities. If you are a parent of an incoming student, you may…


What is the Impact of a Weaker DOE on the Civil Rights of Minority and Immigrant Students?

Since the election, there has been a spike in racist harassment and hate crimes across the county directed at minorities and immigrants.  As reflected in data collected by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), nearly 900 hate incidents were reported in the ten days following November 8.  The incidents have…


The Use of Snapchat, Even Under More Innocent Circumstances, May Have Serious Criminal or Civil Implications

This week, two Massachusetts teenagers were convicted of sexually assaulting a heavily intoxicated 16-year old girl.  Another teenager had videotaped the incident and disseminated the videos on Snapchat, the hugely popular social media app.  The main evidence in the case came from another teenage girl who was not present at…


Massachusetts Reforms to Probation Violation Proceedings Help Avoid Unnecessary Detention

This is the second in our series of posts about changes in the rules that govern proceedings for defendants charged with violating probation in Massachusetts state court.  For Part 1 of this series, click here. In addition to changing some of the language of the rules to avoid confusion, the…


Massachusetts Reforms to Probation Violation Proceedings Take Effect in September 2015

On September 8, 2015, Massachusetts district courts and the Boston Municipal Court will implement significant changes to probation violation rules.  Individuals who are currently under a term of probation issued in a criminal case after a finding of guilty or after a continuance without a finding (“CWOF”) should take notice…


New Protections for Massachusetts Domestic Workers, Part 2

Note: This post is Part 2 in our series of blog posts detailing protections under the Massachusetts Domestic Workers Law. Click here to return to Part 1. What are the Employer’s Notice and Record-Keeping Obligations? The new law and proposed regulations also impose a number of record-keeping obligations on household employers. Domestic workers…


New Protections for Massachusetts Domestic Workers, Part 1

Earlier this spring, the Massachusetts Domestic Workers Bill of Rights Act took effect, providing expansive new protections and rights to individuals who provide household services, including childcare, housekeeping, housecleaning, cooking, and eldercare. In the past, domestic workers have had informal and flexible arrangements with their household employers with respect to…